JOB INTERVIEW: Feeling Uncertain, Disoriented, or Panicky? Steady Yourself In the Shower

GotAMinute? Executives who would otherwise be confident people report feeling uncertain, disoriented, and or panicky when they began an important job interview.   The more they needed or wanted the position, the more acute the symptoms. What should you do...

Establish a Daily Routine for Your Job Search

JGS+P Productions Having a steady job.  Going to work each day.  Now, if there were ever a daily routine that has to rate at the top of most people’s list, this would be it.  For some, the routine is meticulous – how they prepare for work, the route...

Incontestable Value: You’ve Got It, It’s There

Far too many people struggle in job interviews to define their value because our minds are wired around the virtue of modesty.  We struggle with the appropriateness of bragging about ourselves, even when it comes to our skills in a job interview, the one place...

Catch On Fire! Power of Enthusiasm

JGSP: Job Search Tips We all have that one dominant strength; sometimes, it is a characteristic, that defines who we are.  Mine is my enthusiasm.  Enthusiasm has allowed me to be a star salesperson with no formal training in the discipline of sales. ...

JOB SEEKERS: Don’t Push Back, You’ve Got This!

It is exciting when a job applicant realizes that they DO have a unique story to tell, when they learn how to unlock that power and become memorable. Too many push back because they don’t believe they have interesting stories or lack the skills to communicate...

Invest In Your Career! It Will Pay Handsome Dividends

In 1970 FRAM auto parts introduced the slogan, “You can pay me now, or pay me later.” It was uttered by an actor made up to look like a hardworking, grease-stained auto mechanic. As a career transition coach, I think of that great line when I take calls from people...