Four Jobs in Six Years? Death by A Thousand Cuts

There are more than a few candidates whose job/employment history is less than stellar.  In everyone’s career stuff happens and in most cases these situations can be managed effectively without inflicting major damage to future employment opportunities.  However, when...

Backlist and Career Management

As we push through college basketball’s March Madness and look ahead to graduation, perhaps it is time to reconnect with some important career management rules, especially given the hyper-competitive job market and the fact that far too many students will struggle to...

Shades Of Gray

Always tell the truth. For the vast majority of us, that was something our parents repeatedly stressed.  Their lessons on the subject were reinforced with a mixture of Biblical teachings and historical anecdotes — George Washington reportedly said he could not...

Why We Make Hiring Mistakes

A CEO I knew, who was a Chief Operating Officer of a small academic medical center, once bragged that he interviewed every new hire for his organization.  He called this his Southwest (Airlines) approach, to ensure that everyone who came to work for the hospital, from...