Human Capital? No, They Are People!

I have an admission to make.  I got caught up in consultant speak. I succumbed to the temptation to use cool, CNBC-style jargon. One term in particular was finding its way into my writing, my speeches and the Firm’s marketing materials.  The offending phrase did not...

Passion And The Leadership You Can Believe In

Too many CEOs shy away from one strong leadership skill that could make the difference between good and great:  passion.  Passion comes in many forms and shapes, but you must be willing to show it in order to leverage it.  Today, people are desperate for good, solid...

Putting It All On The Line

In life, in love and in wok we are exceptionally adept at NOT putting it all on the line.  When you are unwilling or afraid to go all in, things will rarely change for the better.  This is the reasoning of marketing guru and blogger Seth Godin. I think he is right on...