by John G. Self | Apr 8, 2013 | Healthcare, Recruiting
As many major healthcare systems across America continue sweeping expense reduction initiatives to lower their costs below Medicare because they want to avoid trouble, and not because they are in it, the impact this will have on recruiting is potentially significant....
by John G. Self | Sep 24, 2010 | Healthcare, Leadership
Human Resource executives say that the three biggest challenges they face are ensuring that employees are engaged and productive, retaining key talent as the economy recovers, and developing leaders. More than two-thirds say job stress levels have increased,...
by John G. Self | Jan 18, 2010 | Career Management
In his book Why Smart Executives Fail, Sydney Finkelstein provides an excellent example of what can happen to a company when they forget that, in the end, it is employees who will make the difference between success and failure. Healthcare providers, in...
by John G. Self | Oct 30, 2009 | Career Management
One way to cut costs in healthcare is to work on improving talent acquisition processes. At JohnMarch Partners, we have found that when organizations plan carefully for a new executive’s first “day” on the job – which really means their first 100+ days on the job –...