Big Data Recruiting A Big Dud

It was bound to happen. With the arrival of the latest buzz phrase, big data, it was just a matter of time before someone would posit that, with enough data, you can reliably predict whether a candidate will be successful or not. There are companies like Kyligence...

Four Jobs in Six Years? Death by A Thousand Cuts

There are more than a few candidates whose job/employment history is less than stellar.  In everyone’s career stuff happens and in most cases these situations can be managed effectively without inflicting major damage to future employment opportunities.  However, when...

Backlist and Career Management

As we push through college basketball’s March Madness and look ahead to graduation, perhaps it is time to reconnect with some important career management rules, especially given the hyper-competitive job market and the fact that far too many students will struggle to...

Abandoned But Still Relevant

I just had a senior moment.  Not the kind associated with old age with an ever so slight hint at forgetfulness or, worse, the earliest stages of dementia, but a real honest to goodness meet up with the inescapable fact that I am now a “gentleman of a certain age.” It...