by John G. Self | May 18, 2015 | Recruiting
We all recognize the popular business cliche, bigger is not always better. It is a nice sentiment, especially if your organization is included in the small category. To give “big” its due, there are certain advantages to using a big company for certain types of jobs...
by John G. Self | Apr 20, 2015 | Career Management, Recruiting
In a critical game of the season, the best team — the one with the most talent and depth, the clear favorite— lost. They were well-prepared for all possibilities but they played without inspiration. The problem? They were overly prepared. They had been given so...
by John G. Self | Aug 29, 2014 | Career Management, Recruiting
There is a common theme from executive level candidates who are frustrated that someone with lesser skills, record of success or credentials, was selected. How did that happen? And with that common theme, there is this common candidate question: What could I have...
by John G. Self | Aug 22, 2014 | Career Management, Healthcare
Rebecca was devastated. Losing her job had been a constant thought in the back reaches of her mind given healthcare reform and her hospital’s focus on reducing operating expenses, but she was always reassured by colleagues. She was a top performer with great...
by John G. Self | Jul 25, 2014 | Healthcare, Recruiting
As healthcare providers, large and small, move toward accountable value-based reimbursement and population health management, those of us who serve those companies are preparing for change as well. Like our customers, we, too, must be prepared to be more accountable...