Healthcare Workers: It Is Time For A Little Honesty

To the employees of healthcare providers throughout America: It is time to be truly honest with yourself.  It may mean the difference between keeping your job or losing it. Do you like change?  If the answer is an emphatic no, or perhaps the more benign, “no, not...

Pardon My ‘Self-Serving’ Moment

As healthcare providers, large and small, move toward accountable value-based reimbursement and population health management, those of us who serve those companies are preparing for change as well.  Like our customers, we, too, must be prepared to be more accountable...

The Desire to Inspire

Healthcare leadership, really good leadership, is more than achieving objectives, hitting the numbers, making the bottom line. During periods of transformational change, leaders have to offer more – exceptional dedication, and, most of all, inspiration. It is always...