The Good Old Days for Outplacement…

Like everything else in healthcare, the outplacement industry is changing.  The services they offer are being scaled back based on what health systems and hospitals are willing to spend.  The timing couldn’t be worse.  With the arrival of the Patient Protection and...

A Mission Statement With Teeth

A veteran healthcare strategy consultant recently confided that you could not distinguish between the mission, vision and values statements for the vast majority of not-for-profit health systems in the United States. I am not sure whether this commonality is a...

When Times Are Good…

When times are good, it is easier to lead.  When times are tough, good leaders are the ones who build and retain the strongest teams. Earlier Sunday, as I sat in the lobby of the Chicago Hilton where the American College of Healthcare Executives will commence their...

Hiring “Gamers”

Who we hire makes a difference.  A grumpy housekeeper or cafeteria cashier whose work is mediocre can help drive down patient satisfaction scores.  A physician who is more focused on the money he or she makes than the needs of the patient will impact quality of care...

Fund Development

Health systems, hospitals and other healthcare organizations that do not have an effective fund development program will be at greater risk of falling behind competitively given that shrinking reimbursement will squeeze margins and crimp capital/technology spending. ...