The Perils of Connectivity

Technology is reshaping our lives. We hear that again and again.  Well, our lives certainly are changing but I believe that it is digital connectivity, not technology, which is driving this change and fueling social upheaval. #145056981 / From the way...

Psychology of Change: Critical Skill for CEOs

What does psychology have to do with Obamacare and healthcare reform?  A lot, actually. Leaders who do not appreciate the ins and outs of the psychology of change will find themselves in deep holes of conflict and deteriorating performance of their organizations....

Change or False Choices?

Change is a constant in business particularly in healthcare where clinical, technology and regulatory developments challenge leaders and managers. Change requires tactical adjustments in leadership – something healthcare leaders do better than most any other...

Recruiting: Five Questions for CEOs

“At most companies, people spend 2 percent of their time recruiting and 75 percent managing their recruiting mistakes.”   — Richard Fairbank, CEO at Capital One, Forbes Magazine, April 2013.  Over the next five to seven years, as the healthcare industry faces a...

Abandoned But Still Relevant

I just had a senior moment.  Not the kind associated with old age with an ever so slight hint at forgetfulness or, worse, the earliest stages of dementia, but a real honest to goodness meet up with the inescapable fact that I am now a “gentleman of a certain age.” It...