Staying Off the Piano

High school reunions are a unique experience.   When you attend your 10th year high school reunion celebration, the dynamic is driven by the energy, hope and dreams of a room full of 28-year-olds who feel bulletproof.  Attendance is typically good.  Graduates are...

To Journal Or Not To Journal

John Self is off for the week. This post was originally published in December 2008.  Journaling is a trendy sort of thing. I know people who have been doing it, religiously, for years. Others started but did not stay with it. It is like a routine of physical exercise,...

The Precious Gift of Inspiration

Who inspired you, that person who encouraged you to become the best you could be? Was it a teacher? Was it an early boss?  Was it someone you met in a later time of your career? For me it was four people.  It began with a rotund journalism teacher with a flattop...

We Cannot Afford to Lose Our Perspective

Dan was bone tired.  He had never felt this tired before.  His rigorous work and travel schedule had taken its toll. He was way beyond pretending everything was OK because it wasn’t and he knew it. Dan, a senior executive for a large regional healthcare consultancy,...

STOP! Smart Phones Kill

Stop what you are doing. I want to ask you to invest some time to watch an incredible movie from Werner Herzog on the tragic, and crushingly sad consequences of texting while driving. This is important. This movie could – it should – change your life. We are all so...

Going The Extra Mile As A Leader

John is just returning from a long weekend with family in California so we’ve decided to share an oldie but goodie today. This piece was originally posted in January of 2013.   A baker’s dozen, a little something extra…   When you buy a dozen cookies,...