QUESTION: What should I do if I lied about previous work experience on a resume when getting hired for a job? Rocco, Bronx, NY
I have encountered these issues more than once in my search and coaching career. Understand that the advice I am about to give is in no way a judgment on your integrity — at least not at this point.

I would withdraw from the job search immediately.
OK, you made a mistake, hopefully one that you will never make again. But if you move forward with this job, there is a good chance you are going to be found out. It is better to withdraw now and minimize the reputational damage.
If you have already been hired, I would admit my mistake, ask for forgiveness and offer to resign — in THAT ORDER.
This is all about your integrity. Fix it now and do not go there again unless your reputation is of no value to you. You can replace this job and recover.
QUESTION: Do you think is it good to help your co-worker to excel in the company where you both work?
That kind of corporate selflessness is, or should be, valued mightily. This is the kind of commitment from the workforce that can make a difference between a company’s ability to achieve excellence or settle for just getting by. That said, not all poor performing employees want help from anyone. I have seen terrible employees, when confronted about their performance, responded angrily with, “What is your problem?” In one case I had an employee that we had spent way too much time trying to coach to a better performance and attitude. When I got the “What is your problem?” response I finally decided I had had enough. “Go look in the mirror,” I told the employee. “That should clear up any questions you might have about my problem.”
Poor performing companies are typically, not always, but typically, loaded with mediocre employees who, for whatever reason, are not engaged or inspired to do better than their best.
Be a good colleague. By all means help another colleague who may be struggling, but make the approach thoughtfully. They may not agree with your assessment.