Too Many Chiefs Will Bog Things Down

A popular phrase used to illustrated a wide variety of immutable truths is, “ Too many chiefs, and not enough Indians.” My father, a superb retail baker in the southern style, often said, especially when his business partner/wife tried to control his schedule, “Too...

10 Questions For Hospital CEOs

As we begin to think seriously about what the U.S. healthcare delivery system is going to look like in seven years, the importance of developing and empowering our employees—tapping into a reservoir of knowledge and passion for the success of the organization—is...

A Note to Those Who Have Gotten the Sack

If you are beginning a career transition – the timing of which was not of your choosing — there are three things to consider. Turmoil will produce turnover.  Healthcare is about to enter a period of prolonged transformational change.  Some might argue that what...