Memo to Candidates: BE PREPARED!

Not being adequately prepared for an interview is a common reason candidates are unsuccessful in an executive search process. To be perfectly blunt, I am increasingly baffled by the simple lack of readiness. Question:  Which senior executives go into a board meeting...

Big Data Recruiting A Big Dud

It was bound to happen. With the arrival of the latest buzz phrase, big data, it was just a matter of time before someone would posit that, with enough data, you can reliably predict whether a candidate will be successful or not. There are companies like Kyligence...

On Height, Wages and Selling Underwear

Search firms and employers use all manner of talent acquisition systems, candidate screening techniques, behavioral science and even gimmicks with varying degrees of success to pick the right people to run businesses.  At JohnGSelf Associates, we rely on an adaptive...

8 Hints for Working With Recruiters

If you are contacted by an executive recruiter regarding a job you have an interest in, here are a few helpful hints to help you navigate the process. The search will never go as fast as you think it should.  This is especially true if you are in transition.  You can...