Does Size Matter? Not Always

The conventional wisdom is that for companies that do business in multiple states or countries size matters when it comes legal representation, banking, tax and audit.  You want to hire an organization that has the physical reach to address your business needs. There...

The Moment of Truth:  Is It Personal? 

The key to executing on a pledge of service excellence is that moment of truth when an employee comes into contact with a customer. In the service industry, including hospitals, hotels, airlines and, believe it or not, car dealerships,  each day contains hundreds to...

The El Toro Poo Poo Of Business

For some executives, profits are the be all, end all.  That is the reason you are in business, they emphatically argue, to make profits.  Nothing else matters.  Pardon me, but that is a large pile of El Toro Poo Poo, especially the “nothing else matters part.”   In...

Performance Evaluation Design

A best-in-industry performance/employee evaluation begins and ends with a compelling governance-leadership commitment that human capital is an organization’s most important asset—the big differentiator, especially in the service industry.  Without this, the program is...