Quit Wasting Your Time

Another interesting search, and the influx of resumes from potential candidates again highlights a recurring problem in the field of career management.  The vast majority of the resumes are, regrettably, all alike. In a competitive employment marketplace you would...

Tough Love: Change Or Get Out of the Way

If you haven’t heard, the job search market for executives is changing, and judging by the quality of the vast majority of resumes we receive, many candidates haven’t.   In healthcare, the perfect storm of structural, regulatory and reimbursement reforms are driving...

Terminated? Ask for Help

That the quality of executive resumes is deteriorating in a competitive job market is a remarkable discovery. Several transition coaches in the healthcare industry agree that is the case and no one can figure out why. There are hundreds of books on the subject, and...

The Good Old Days for Outplacement…

Like everything else in healthcare, the outplacement industry is changing.  The services they offer are being scaled back based on what health systems and hospitals are willing to spend.  The timing couldn’t be worse.  With the arrival of the Patient Protection and...