Hope Is A Dangerous Word

SACRAMENTO — Hope is such a wonderful word.  It is wrapped in an aura of positive thoughts, personal aspirations and expectations.  It is forwarding looking. It can also be a deadly trap, an affliction that leads to failure. Having hope for success is not the same...

6 Ideas For Fighting Age Bigotry

For aging executives, here is the cardinal rule: do not make it easy for prospective employers (and they’re typically young recruiters) to discriminate against you.Sadly true, some recruiters and employers are age bigots.  If you are older than their mind’s-eye...

The Risk Of Being Overly Prepared

In a critical game of the season, the best team — the one with the most talent and depth, the clear favorite— lost.  They were well-prepared for all possibilities but they played without inspiration. The problem?  They were overly prepared.  They had been given so...