8 Hints for Working With Recruiters

If you are contacted by an executive recruiter regarding a job you have an interest in, here are a few helpful hints to help you navigate the process. The search will never go as fast as you think it should.  This is especially true if you are in transition.  You can...

A Note to Those Who Have Gotten the Sack

If you are beginning a career transition – the timing of which was not of your choosing — there are three things to consider. Turmoil will produce turnover.  Healthcare is about to enter a period of prolonged transformational change.  Some might argue that what...

A Note To Recent College Graduates

In case you haven’t noticed, unemployment among recent college graduates is at record levels.  In an April dispatch referenced in The Atlantic, the Associated Press reported that more than half of America’s recent college graduates are either unemployed or...

Resume Doctors

In the shadowy cottage industry of resume specialists – often called “resume doctors” – there is a tendency to be too cute by half.  In other words, to help candidates hide poor performance or a short tenure, or any number of other issues, they recommend certain...