Memo to Candidates: BE PREPARED!

Not being adequately prepared for an interview is a common reason candidates are unsuccessful in an executive search process. To be perfectly blunt, I am increasingly baffled by the simple lack of readiness. Question:  Which senior executives go into a board meeting...

Big Data Recruiting A Big Dud

It was bound to happen. With the arrival of the latest buzz phrase, big data, it was just a matter of time before someone would posit that, with enough data, you can reliably predict whether a candidate will be successful or not. There are companies like Kyligence...

Candidates: Avoid the Stumble and Fumble

There are two parts to the executive search process that bedevil candidates: the initial resume review interview and managing references.  An amazing number of candidates hurt their chances in these two areas. I have two suggestions: 1. Work History – Be prepared for...