Ask the Executive Recruiter

This is a new feature of Self-Perspective.  If you have questions regarding your resume, career branding, social media or career transition, send us an email.  This first edition includes frequently asked questions we have received over the last year.   I am a...

What Is Your Job Search IQ?

Looking for a job or losing a job can really challenge a person’s job IQ! It seems reasonable that you are smart, and you have had a good career so far. You can do many things and yet, smart people can sometimes be too smart for their own good to realize they are not...

Protect Thyself From Job Hunting Mistakes

If the only copy of your most up to date resume is on your work computer, and you no longer have access to it because you have been sacked, well, it is hard to feel sorry for you. If you are using your office email (and telephone) for a confidential job search, I am...