Happy July 4th

Across America, families and friends will come together for parties, picnics, concerts, and fireworks to celebrate our nation’s independence. As we pause from our busy schedules to pay tribute to the brave men who put their lives in peril for our freedom, we find our...

Passion And The Leadership You Can Believe In

Too many CEOs shy away from one strong leadership skill that could make the difference between good and great:  passion.  Passion comes in many forms and shapes, but you must be willing to show it in order to leverage it.  Today, people are desperate for good, solid...

This Is NOT A Time For CEOs To Wait And See

Now is not a good time for hospital CEOs to wait and see. While the modern day equivalent of the great depression may be more of a fear than a reality, there seems to be no question that the U.S. is heading for a period of significant economic slowdown that will lurch...