Quit Wasting Your Time

Another interesting search, and the influx of resumes from potential candidates again highlights a recurring problem in the field of career management.  The vast majority of the resumes are, regrettably, all alike. In a competitive employment marketplace you would...

Job Seekers: Focus On The Five Fundamentals

Successful athletes on winning teams have one thing in common: they intensely and consistently focus on the fundamentals. That principle applies to executives and managers, as well as candidates in the job market.  Being a successful executive or manager is about...

Protect Thyself From Job Hunting Mistakes

If the only copy of your most up to date resume is on your work computer, and you no longer have access to it because you have been sacked, well, it is hard to feel sorry for you. If you are using your office email (and telephone) for a confidential job search, I am...