Surviving an In-Depth Interview

TYLER, Texas — The competition for best executive leadership positions is intensifying. With market consolidation and an increasing number of layoffs due to health systems and hospitals trimming operating expenses, there are way more candidates than there are jobs. ...

Hidden Message in the Placement Guarantee

Our Firm has been offering my executive search clients a three-year placement guarantee for more than 20 years.  We do it on every search, not just when it is forced by market competition, which some national and regional firms do. How can JohnGSelf + Partners  afford...

Own Your Weaknesses

Some of the worst answers I ever heard in candidate interviews came in response to one question. What are your weaknesses? Candidates know, or should know, that this question is coming, just as certain as the sun will rise in the East and set in the West each day. ...

Quit Wasting Your Time

Another interesting search, and the influx of resumes from potential candidates again highlights a recurring problem in the field of career management.  The vast majority of the resumes are, regrettably, all alike. In a competitive employment marketplace you would...