Setting A New, Higher Standard For Patient Safety

LAS VEGAS – Why do we insist on making the goal of improving quality of care and enhancing patient safety into such a complex and expensive task? It is such a waste, and broadly it does not appear to be working Just make it personal. I believe that if every...

Reimagine Healthcare Coverage

TYLER, Texas — On Monday night I received a call that shook my world. A  late afternoon Memorial Day storm swept through this East Texas City of 98,000 producing funnel clouds and torrential downpours.  After the storms had passed, the root structure of a massive Red...

Working In Healthcare, A Privilege Not A Right

I do not care who you are, where you went to school, which union represents you, how smart you are, or how smart you think you are — executive, doctor, nurse — you are not entitled  to work in a hospital. To run a hospital, or to take care of patients who trust us to...