by John G. Self | Nov 21, 2012 | Healthcare, Leadership
We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving 2012. In healthcare, for example, we should be thankful that we have survived, in spite of ourselves, on several important issues, like how we invest in our human capital, or, according to hundreds of hospital annual...
by John G. Self | Oct 29, 2012 | Healthcare
Why do we spend so much time and effort on improving quality, patient safety and working to lower costs when we do not have much to show for our efforts? Because education—medical schools and graduate management education—is not keeping up. Medical schools, in...
by John G. Self | Oct 22, 2012 | Healthcare, Leadership, Recruiting
There is a great advantage for an executive recruiter to have once worked as a crime writer and investigative reporter. You are not afraid to ask tough questions, and you can more easily detect the self-serving spin. In the business of poker, seasoned card players...
by John G. Self | Oct 12, 2012 | Healthcare
As the weekend approaches, here is an interesting exercise to undertake. Imagine yourself as a hospital CEO in a board meeting and the trustees pose this question: Describe a new healthcare system that will result in lower costs, higher quality care, and improved...
by John G. Self | Sep 24, 2012 | Healthcare, Leadership
“Check your ego at the front door,” is a phrase popular with some executive coaches and self-help gurus. The underlying theme, at least in business, for this frequently used platitude is that leadership is not about the leader, but the success of the organization and...