Putting Your Followers First

If you are going to lead people, you’d better demonstrate that you care more about them than you do about yourself. So says Don Knauss, Chief Executive Officer of Clorox.  Mr. Knauss was featured in Adam Bryant’s Corner Office in Sunday’s The New York Times....

MBA No Guarantee of Leadership Legacy

Jeremy Zimmer started working in gas stations when he was 14.  By 16 he was managing them.  He dropped out of college at 19.  “I was always a good worker, but I was never a very good student.”  He was running several valet parking stations in Boston. This snippet of a...

How Do You Know Your Employees Trust You?

Trust That word is intrinsically linked to leadership.  It is an underlying value in most companies – the CEO and the senior leadership trust their employees to do the right thing. The more important questions for the CEO are, “How do you know that your employees...