The Future of Healthcare: Going Out On A Limb

HOUSTON, Texas – Being a healthcare futurist is easy.  The hard job is being a futurist that gets it right. The truth is that anyone, me included, who attempts to paint a picture of what the future of healthcare holds does so at their own futurist/forecasting peril. ...

Will The Real Game Changer Please Stand Up?

Healthcare executives are primarily focusing on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the next big game changer for healthcare delivery.  They are probably right to focus on ACA today, but this event is only the set up for the biggest healthcare game...

Cost Reductions and Internal Recruiters

As many major healthcare systems across America continue sweeping expense reduction initiatives to lower their costs below Medicare because they want to avoid trouble, and not because they are in it, the impact this will have on recruiting is potentially significant....

Graduate Education In A Changing World

We are moving into an era of extraordinary change. Healthcare will change because government can no longer afford some of its signature programs including Medicare and Medicaid, and because the quality of care and the level of patient safety too often do not match the...