ASK THE RECRUITER: Addressing Gaps For Rehab

Question:  A close friend eecently completed five weeks of inpatient alcohol rehab and is now in the middle of an intensive outpatient treatment for three more months.  When he gets back into the job market, how should he address the time period involved for rehab on...

Job Search Strategy Guide

The process of looking for a new job, whether you left a job or were suddenly let go, is a daunting one.  Everyone handles the process differently, but no matter your approach, it’s important to create a plan, to remain focused, and to be organized. A couple of weeks...

The “WHY” Question

Why do you want to work here? A seven-word question that is one of the most important that a potential employer should ask. That three-letter word “why” is so powerful.  It is amazingly global because it touches on the culture and values of the organization, the...

Be On Your Best Interview Behavior

When you visit a potential employer’s facility for a face-to-face interview, be on guard, and your best behavior. From the moment you enter the parking lot until you pass through the gates on your way home or to the airport, you will be under a magnifying glass.  At...