Be On Your Best Interview Behavior

When you visit a potential employer’s facility for a face-to-face interview, be on guard, and your best behavior. From the moment you enter the parking lot until you pass through the gates on your way home or to the airport, you will be under a magnifying glass.  At...

Interview Questions Candidate Should Ask

One of the most common mistakes candidates make during job interviews is NOT asking questions. The most common candidate response when asked if they have any questions is, “No, not now.” If not now, then when? Candidates who do not ask questions during the interview...

Harnessing Nervous Energy

This article on harnessing nervous energy from Careerealism came at just the right time for my family.  The topic is not only relevant for candidates interviewing for new jobs, but also for any situation in life that has your stomach in knots and your nerves on edge....

Interview Questions You SHOULD Ask

An organization’s culture is not something you can simply read about and master.  This is especially true for executive recruiters and candidates. Understanding the organization’s culture plays a critical role in determining whether a candidate succeeds in her or his...