by John G. Self | May 11, 2017 | Career Management, Recruiting
As we begin to see an increase in the number of layoffs across the country, healthcare executives who have been set free are busily calling recruiters seeking help in finding their next job. While some recruiters in larger firms will ignore their requests for a call...
by John G. Self | May 2, 2017 | Career Management
Regrettably, I’m sorry, unfortunately or no. These are all words that take the wind from any job candidate’s sails. “I am so tired of hearing those words,” a hospital CEO recently said. “I have been in transition for almost a year. I...
by John G. Self | Feb 22, 2017 | Career Management, Executive Coaching, Podcast, Recruiting
Listen to today’s podcast here, read the transcript below or subscribe and listen on iTunes. Today I want to share a soup-to-nuts summary of the executive recruiting process as well as highlight some common misunderstandings. Along the way I will probably share...
by John G. Self | Nov 23, 2016 | Podcast, Uncategorized
Technology is one of the hottest business sectors. The top graduates, once lured to gilded hallways of wall street and hedge funds, are now, metaphorically speaking, going west to seek their fortune. Technology, investment baking, the law – they all seem to take...