Going Small Versus Big

We all recognize the popular business cliche, bigger is not always better.  It is a nice sentiment, especially if your organization is included in the small category. To give “big” its due, there are certain advantages to using a big company for certain types of jobs...

11 Strategies For Executive Search 

When colleagues ask why we are pushing the envelope on how executive search should be done, the answer is really an easy one. Just because clients don’t ask for a new approach doesn’t mean recruiters shouldn’t explore better ways to help them meet their talent...

It’s Not All Bad News

“Brothers and Sisters:  Before we open our hymnals and sing the many grim verses of ‘Now Comes the Hard Part’, the Post-Election Day quadrennial dirge, the congregation is kindly requested to engage in a brief interlude of soul replenishing joy.”  So began David...

The “Tell” of a Fraud

There is a great advantage for an executive recruiter to have once worked as a crime writer and investigative reporter. You are not afraid to ask tough questions, and you can more easily detect the self-serving spin. In the business of poker, seasoned card players...