Recruiting a Rural/Community Hospital CEO

Identifying and recruiting a top CEO for a rural/community hospital is one of the toughest jobs a governing board will undertake.  It is also a decision that can easily be categorized as “make or break” for the future success of these facilities. The complexity of the...

Do You See The Communication Gaps?

The nurses and patient care attendants were unbelievably nice. So was the man who delivered the food, the woman who mopped the floors and the special duty attendant who kept a close eye on the patient. They could not have been more pleasant. They all introduced...

Empowering, Not Controlling Your Managers

In the early 1980s, a Houston hospital CEO was frustrated by his hospital’s anemic financial performance despite the tightening of financial controls, as well as noisy department manager meetings replete with leadership huffing and puffing about dire consequences if...

Working In Healthcare, A Privilege Not A Right

I do not care who you are, where you went to school, which union represents you, how smart you are, or how smart you think you are — executive, doctor, nurse — you are not entitled  to work in a hospital. To run a hospital, or to take care of patients who trust us to...

Challenges for Community Hospitals

Across America today, dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of small community hospitals are struggling to survive. Poor leadership, governance, medical staff, declining reimbursement and tougher regulatory requirements are the most frequently cited reasons for this decline....