Culture Kills Strategy Every Time

Joel Allison and Robert Pryor, M.D. began a year-long journey last week that is critical to the success of the planned merger of Baylor Health Care and Scott & White.  They are studying a seven-letter word:  CULTURE. Yes, they are conducting an in-depth analysis...

Graduate Education In A Changing World

We are moving into an era of extraordinary change. Healthcare will change because government can no longer afford some of its signature programs including Medicare and Medicaid, and because the quality of care and the level of patient safety too often do not match the...

The Excitement of Being Different

It is time to think about being different, being different in a way that allows a company (or hospital) to make a meaningful difference. Our healthcare economy, where many of the rules we have come to rely on for the last 40 plus years, will change markedly over the...