In Healthcare, We Get What We Pay For

In healthcare, we get what we pay for. What? Many quality/safety experts, public policy wonks and those who pay most of the costs would beg to disagree  – in the strongest possible terms.  That chorus includes the families of the hundreds of thousands of patients who...

Creepy Friday

Tonight is the full moon.  It is Friday the 13th.  These two events do not occur very often. For some people, this is pretty creepy.  “Despite many myths, the full moon does not actually embolden criminals, bring about births or make people mad, studies show.  And...

Is Your Organization Making These Hiring Mistakes?

Here is what we know: Great talent is critical to the success of business Great talent is hard to come by; most of our employees are not “A”s, the best, but “Bs” and “Cs” Hiring the wrong person is a very costly and very painful [Tweet “Most organizations do a...

At the End of the Day

The other day, in a meeting with a client in a congested urban city on the West Coast, I noticed that the first 10 minutes were taken up with parking.  Everyone shared, in some cases bragged, about where they found a parking space. I was amazed, but apparently this...