Your Leadership Light Bulb

Most healthcare leaders have graduate degrees.  Their rigorous coursework and years of study prepared them for a journey that, theoretically, helped them to become good leaders in an industry where the quality of leadership can mean the difference between patient...

A New Normal Job Market

WASHINGTON, DC — When I made the leap of faith from being a crime writer and investigative reporter to healthcare management, career management was much less complicated.  In fact, I was oblivious. Oh my, how times have changed. Today, the healthcare management...

Profound State of Values Disconnect

Values are important.  The further one goes in their career – the higher one rises in an organization – the more important their values (should) become.  Executives make decisions every day.  Their values are in play at every turn, whether they consciously think about...

Full Disclosure Key to Recruiting Success

There have been many things written about the executive search process.  Some are amusing with a ring of truth –  executive recruitment is like getting married after four dates – and others are less flattering, that recruiters are the world’s worst communicators. But...