Do You See The Communication Gaps?

The nurses and patient care attendants were unbelievably nice. So was the man who delivered the food, the woman who mopped the floors and the special duty attendant who kept a close eye on the patient. They could not have been more pleasant. They all introduced...

Forget Your Dislike of Ambiguity

It is always amazing to me how many well educated executives struggle with their performance because of their dislike of ambiguity — the state of uncertainty or lack of clarity. The afflicted always deny it but when but you strip away their protestations to the...

Changing Thoughts On Career Management

TYLER, Texas — All writers, especially columnists write in search of understanding, said the late New York Times columnist David Carr.  I think he was spot on.  I have found that writing, with the aid of a lot of reading, really does help one think through their...

The Risk Of Being Overly Prepared

In a critical game of the season, the best team — the one with the most talent and depth, the clear favorite— lost.  They were well-prepared for all possibilities but they played without inspiration. The problem?  They were overly prepared.  They had been given so...