We Cannot Afford to Lose Our Perspective

Dan was bone tired.  He had never felt this tired before.  His rigorous work and travel schedule had taken its toll. He was way beyond pretending everything was OK because it wasn’t and he knew it. Dan, a senior executive for a large regional healthcare consultancy,...

Four Jobs in Six Years? Death by A Thousand Cuts

There are more than a few candidates whose job/employment history is less than stellar.  In everyone’s career stuff happens and in most cases these situations can be managed effectively without inflicting major damage to future employment opportunities.  However, when...

Hiring “Gamers”

Who we hire makes a difference.  A grumpy housekeeper or cafeteria cashier whose work is mediocre can help drive down patient satisfaction scores.  A physician who is more focused on the money he or she makes than the needs of the patient will impact quality of care...