by John G. Self | Jun 17, 2015 | Career Management, Recruiting
Q: I am interviewing with a recruiter for an executive position with mid-sized hospital community hospital. My current organization is very casual and none of the executives wear a coat and tie to work. I understand that more and more executives prefer a...
by John G. Self | Jun 8, 2015 | Career Management
SACRAMENTO — Hope is such a wonderful word. It is wrapped in an aura of positive thoughts, personal aspirations and expectations. It is forwarding looking. It can also be a deadly trap, an affliction that leads to failure. Having hope for success is not the same...
by John G. Self | Apr 17, 2015 | Healthcare, Recruiting
This is a follow up to John Self’s previous post titled Impact Patient Safety By Making It Personal. NEW YORK — The secret to improving quality of care and enhancing patient safety and best-in-class executive recruiting have more in common than meets the eye....
by John G. Self | Feb 6, 2015 | Recruiting
When colleagues ask why we are pushing the envelope on how executive search should be done, the answer is really an easy one. Just because clients don’t ask for a new approach doesn’t mean recruiters shouldn’t explore better ways to help them meet their talent...
by John G. Self | Oct 10, 2014 | Recruiting
Earlier this week, I attended a meeting of fellow recruiters sponsored by the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) in Chicago to be updated on ACHE plans for the year and to discuss healthcare reform and how it is changing leadership competencies, job...