5 Ways to Prepare for Healthcare Transformation

This article should serve as a clarion call for healthcare CEOs.        Medicare Cuts will Cost Nearly 500,000 Healthcare Jobs  09/25/2012 | by Hilary Lau | D Healthcare Magazine Mandatory spending cuts to Medicare in 2013 will result in large-scale job losses in...

The Unreported Jobs Story

Jobless growth is anemic.  The economy is sluggish.  If you are a Republican, it is President Obama’s fault.  Electing Republican leadership will result in great economic gains through tax cuts, spending increases for defense and removal of job killing programs and...

Happy July 4th

Across America, families and friends will come together for parties, picnics, concerts, and fireworks to celebrate our nation’s independence. As we pause from our busy schedules to pay tribute to the brave men who put their lives in peril for our freedom, we find our...