Communicating With Millennials

As healthcare organizations talk and fret about the dramatic changes to their business model driven by a shift from volume reimbursement to value-based payments, they must be asking themselves how their health system, hospital, group practice or ancillary service...

Are You A Slave To Your Inbox?

We are a nation that is increasingly dominated by technology and connectivity.  It is changing our personal and business lives for better and worse.   We simply have too much information.  We are drowning in it.  It is even changing the way our government works to...

Intimacy In 140 Characters…Or Less

Relationships are different today.  Technology and connectivity have combined to change the way couples, friends, groups and even strangers interact with one another.  This digital connectivity, which is enthusiastically embraced by millions of Millennials and...

Abandoned But Still Relevant

I just had a senior moment.  Not the kind associated with old age with an ever so slight hint at forgetfulness or, worse, the earliest stages of dementia, but a real honest to goodness meet up with the inescapable fact that I am now a “gentleman of a certain age.” It...

Humbled By Connectivity

A couple of years ago I lectured to graduate students at a major university on career strategies and personal brand management. As the students entered the lecture hall, a significant number opened their laptops. I told my son who is a graduate student (SMU) that they...