Challenges for Community Hospitals

Across America today, dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of small community hospitals are struggling to survive. Poor leadership, governance, medical staff, declining reimbursement and tougher regulatory requirements are the most frequently cited reasons for this decline....

Hospital CEOs In Trouble 

As hospital executives gather this week in Chicago for the annual Congress of the American College of Healthcare Executives, perhaps this is a good day to revisit a subject I have written about before in this space: increasing numbers of hospital CEOs are in trouble,...

5 Questions to Ask Your CEO Recruiter

Every year, hundreds of hospitals recruit a new CEO. And every year, a surprisingly high number of the successful candidates fail to survive two years. Even more disturbing, many who do survive are marginal performers – they are not good enough to take the hospital to...

An Employee Engagement Turnaround Story

A wise and seasoned, if not a little cynical CEO I know, once described the payroll process at a former hospital as “distributing cash to zombies” or “paying people for something we are not getting.” In other words, paying employees just to show up. He also described...