The Good and Bad of ‘Just Good Enough’

In the American jumble of providers and services that we like to call a “healthcare system”, there is a phrase that is the enemy of all that we are supposed to stand for — Just good enough. This simple little phrase is infected with implications most of which are not...

Recruiting Isn’t a One-Way Street

There is a cost — sometimes high, sometimes painful — for making bad career decisions. Consider these consequences: Inability to secure a new job because of a checkered resume Relegated to higher risk, lower tier organizations where you will earn less money and be...

Stories Can Enhance Your Career Brand

He came late to the search.  He had a nice background, respectable accomplishments and was persistent — he really wanted to be interviewed. The only time I could meet him was 8 AM on a Saturday morning.  I had a flight at 1 PM and he could take it or leave it.  If...

Accountability: Own It and Explain It

Weaseling out of things is important to learn.  It is what separates us from the animals — except the weasel. – Homer Simpson It is hard to go through life, including your professional career, without making mistakes.  Many of these missteps are minor with...

Will Color Help?

  DETROIT — Will color help?  What about a jazzy design with eye-catching graphics?  Will that pizzazz help me catch the eye of an employer, elevate me to the top of the list, and speed my job search? When it comes to the use of color, clever graphics and nifty...