Can You Build And Lead Teams?  

Can you build and lead teams?   That is a common question in most interviews, especially those that use the behavior and values approach to sorting out candidates.  Since employees are an organization’s most important and valuable asset, I think that question is spot...

A Millennial Surprise

Millennials — those born after 1980 — are often thought of as a self-centered generation, not highly motivated by the opportunity for hard work and financial gain.  They want what they want on their terms, or so the misunderstanding goes. So who is promoting this...

The Touchy Subject of Succession Planning

One of the toughest decisions a long serving CEO has to make is when to leave the organization – to retire or take on another career challenge. “Go out on top” is the ideal goal but more than a few executives, for a variety of reasons – financial concerns, unfulfilled...

Intimacy In 140 Characters…Or Less

Relationships are different today.  Technology and connectivity have combined to change the way couples, friends, groups and even strangers interact with one another.  This digital connectivity, which is enthusiastically embraced by millions of Millennials and...