by John G. Self | May 13, 2015 | Career Management
For aging executives, here is the cardinal rule: do not make it easy for prospective employers (and they’re typically young recruiters) to discriminate against you.Sadly true, some recruiters and employers are age bigots. If you are older than their mind’s-eye...
by John G. Self | May 11, 2015 | Career Management
Discrimination because of age; it is illegal, and regrettably, inevitable. “No one will hire me. I have good skills and a good record but I am having trouble to even get someone to acknowledge that I submitted a resume,” a 58-year-old healthcare executive told me...
by John G. Self | Oct 4, 2013 | Stories
High school reunions are a unique experience. When you attend your 10th year high school reunion celebration, the dynamic is driven by the energy, hope and dreams of a room full of 28-year-olds who feel bulletproof. Attendance is typically good. Graduates are...
by John G. Self | Aug 30, 2013 | Stories
THE AIRPORT — As we become “seasoned members of society,” we tend to share with one another the joys – and the frustrations – of growing older. The amazing thing I have found, is that men will do this with contemporaries who they do not even know. The airport...
by John G. Self | Aug 23, 2013 | Stories
As I grow older I am more mindful of an important rule: don’t let your age define who you are, what you look like, or how you act. An old friend said, it is mind over matter – don’t act your age, don’t walk your age, and don’t eat your age. At the other end of the...