Career Advice for New Grads

As I sat in my office Sunday morning preparing for my next to last business trip before the Christmas holiday, I was wondering why some New York Times Crossword Puzzle devotees think it is cheating to look up answers themselves but have no remorse, not a scintilla of...

Parents As Career Mentors

My dad was a hard working business owner.  He worked long hours and had great  success as a retail baker.  He did it, first and foremost, to be a good provider for his family and to help his sons to have a life that was better than the one he had. In his youth and as...

Everyone Needs A Coach

What is the best career advice you have ever been given? That is one of the questions we ask in our in-depth interview with potential candidates.  Some candidates, quickly assessing the risk-reward of an off-the-mark answer, try to guess what we want to hear.   If you...

Can We Talk?

Let’s talk candidly about career management.  More than likely the professionals who should read this probably won’t read this. I talk to a lot of people at conferences, airports and on the telephone.  Executives, especially those in healthcare, are troubled by tough...