Putting It All On The Line

In life, in love and in wok we are exceptionally adept at NOT putting it all on the line.  When you are unwilling or afraid to go all in, things will rarely change for the better.  This is the reasoning of marketing guru and blogger Seth Godin. I think he is right on...

Consulting Fees & Conventional Wisdom

LOS ANGELES (June 8, 2009) As I travel around the country visiting with chief executive officers at health systems and hospitals, I am hearing that consultant accountability is a subject that is increasingly on their minds. Faced with the continuing slide in their...

Leadership Without Accountability

DALLAS, Texas (Feb. 21, 2009) — Accountability seems to be in short supply these days. Last weekend, CNBC presented a one-hour documentary, House of Cards, a fascinating look at the real estate fiasco that fueled our current economic decline. Reporter/anchor...