Your Career Death Trap

Most people are reluctant to move outside their comfort zone

Best-selling author W.T. Hamilton wrote that the comfort zone is where ambition goes to retire and where dreams go to die.

He called your comfort zone “a sly and convincing place; often your hopes and dreams don’t even realize that they have stalled.”

In your career, 80 percent of your potential competitors in a job search are content to stay on the sidelines and the 20 percent who are in the game do not understand the new job search rules and will show up underprepared.

That is a huge window of opportunity for you if you will only make the investment to be better than your competitors.

We can help you become the applicant everyone wants to hire.

Don’t Delay, Get Prepared Today

JohnGSelf Productions

In my 27 years of global executive search I have seen hundreds of people struggle with the job interview, and it usually cost them the job.

They struggled because they lacked experience in interviewing.  

If I am talking about you, do not be defensive. You are among the 90 out of every 100 job seekers who struggle with this hurdle.

We can help you shine with instruction and live coaching for as little as $89.

Thursday morning’s economic news was unsettling, paving the way for another hefty interest rate hike in November to chill the economy.  Companies are already beginning layoffs. Other have frozen hiring, and layoffs will probably follow.

Do not delay.  Get prepared today.

Visit JohnGSelf.Com today and click the button on the right side of the home page.

Download Free Layoff Preparedness Survey

As several economic indicators continue to flash warning signals, as politicians posture with recession and layoff predictions that best suit their election goals, the question you should be asking is this:

If I get laid off, how prepared am I to effectively compete in a job market dominated by machine automation and intense competition for the best jobs?

Or, how would you rate your job search preparedness – from branding, social media, automated resume screening, networking, and interviewing?

To get a free copy of our Career Transition Skills Knowledge Assessment survey, a great tool to help you prepare, visit JohnGSelf.Com and click the Free Resources button at the bottom of the home page.

For more information on our courses, click the red button on the right side of the home page to get immediate access to our course catalog.

How to Thwart those Pesky Resume BOTS

In talent acquisition, BOTS are the bane of a job seeker’s existence. 

BOTS produce more WTF reactions than any other aspect of finding a job.

DEFINITION: “Bots are used to automate certain tasks, meaning they can run without specific instructions from humans. Bots are also much faster at these tasks than humans.”

If you apply online, your first interview, the resume review, is conducted by a BOT. Eighty percent of the resumes never make is through this initial screening.

There is no absolute, fool-proof technique to defeat BOTS, but you can improve your chances by following the recommendations in eight key categories. 

To learn more and get a free copy of our worksheet, visit JohnGSelf.Com and click the “Free Resources” button at the bottom of the home page.