Quick, Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

Do you know the biggest mistake managers and executives make with their career that limits growth and their earnings potential?

They stay in their comfort zone.

They frequently know what they want but they do not act.  Career management and job search rules have shifted and hundreds of thousands of US workers do not know what to do.

Opportunity and earnings are left on the table.

With automation threatening millions of white-collar jobs, according to an Oxford University study, your comfort zone is a dangerous, career-limiting place to be.

Let’s make this personal.  Do not do that to yourself. 

We can help you plan for a future that includes enhancing your career and boosting your earnings.  Sign up today for GotAMinute, our free daily 60-second career video with insight and information to help you grow.

Been Fired? What Did You Learn?

When a rural hospital CEO gets fired, the “victim” usually starts looking for the same job in another city without taking a minute of time to think about why they were fired.  In three years, many are looking again for the same reason.

Introspection is lost in the belief that the fault belonged to a toxic board, a dysfunctional medical staff, or rebellious employees.

This is not just a healthcare issue. There are similarities with school superintendents, city managers, church pastors, chamber executives and others.

When you lose your job, regardless of the type, even when it is truly not your fault, make it a learning experience. 

What should you do differently?  How can you become better to become indispensable?

We have the experience and the insight to help you master a career transition.

Enhance Your Career, Ignite Your Earnings; Book a Free Consult With Veteran Career Coach, John Self

Good News, Bad News for Your Career

There is a well-traveled comedy routine that begins with: There is good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

The explosion of knowledge is stunning. Tidal waves of information will lead to epic medical cures, more exceptional innovations, and abundant economic opportunity. That’s good. The bad news: the tools to manage this data will produce massive job disruptions.Millions of hardworking Americans — cashiers, retail clerks, food and beverage workers, and office clerical support – will see their jobs dwindle. Globally, AI will have a $1 trillion adverse impact on white collar jobs.The people who thrive through this economic transition will be those happy warriors like you who will not allow radical change and grievances to upend their lives. Knowledge is important, but your mind-set will win this battle.

Do You Feel Stuck? Schedule Your Free Career Call

The job market is changing, yet again! If you feel stuck — if you want to advance your career and improve your earnings potential, talk to John. We are here to help. This is a free no obligation call.