Talent Evaluation

We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving 2012.  In healthcare, for example, we should be thankful that we have survived, in spite of ourselves, on several important issues, like how we invest in our human capital, or, according to hundreds of hospital annual...

Yes, It Does Take A Village

When then First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, published her book “It Takes A Village,” an analysis of the impact individuals and groups outside the family have, for better or worse, on a child’s well-being, the right-wing pundits chastised Ms. Clinton for...

The “Tell” of a Fraud

There is a great advantage for an executive recruiter to have once worked as a crime writer and investigative reporter. You are not afraid to ask tough questions, and you can more easily detect the self-serving spin. In the business of poker, seasoned card players...

This Time It Is Different

Believe it or not, there are still a lot of hospital CEOs who think that, in the end, everything with healthcare reform and deficit reduction will work out and that their lives running hospitals will not be turned upside down. As a consultant whose fortunes are...

10 Questions For Hospital CEOs

As we begin to think seriously about what the U.S. healthcare delivery system is going to look like in seven years, the importance of developing and empowering our employees—tapping into a reservoir of knowledge and passion for the success of the organization—is...

Fund Development

Health systems, hospitals and other healthcare organizations that do not have an effective fund development program will be at greater risk of falling behind competitively given that shrinking reimbursement will squeeze margins and crimp capital/technology spending. ...