YourCareer Community’s OFFICE HOURS episode is loaded with important career management nuggets.

The LIVE+STREAM begins at 4 PM CT on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Wait a minute!

If you are one of those managers or executives who think career management is just about doing a good job, then you need to stop, look, and listen. Nothing could be further from the truth in today’s highly automated, AI-powered talent acquisition process. That is precisely why so many executives struggle to find their next better job.

Being a successful executive today requires more than doing a good job. You must be adept at brand management and digital marketing. At YourCAREER Community, we help people accelerate their careers by developing the knowledge and skills it takes to succeed in this crazy job market.

Today’s live stream will zero in on tips for:

  1. Maximizing the use of keywords for your resume
  2. Share tips on how to answer the most common first question in an interview
  3. Deliver strategies to maximize your online image (aka YOUR CAREER BRAND), and
  4. Share the value — the incredible value — of career journaling.

Join us today at 4 PM CT for OFFICE HOURS. The video will be streamed on John’s flagship YouTube channel, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

OFFICE HOURS is a feature of YourCAREER Community. It is available to nonmembers until December 1. So, if you like the content, sign up today. There is much more than meets the eye!