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This is a commonly asked, but important, question.

It is predicated by a belief that you can’t prepare if you don’t know what questions will be asked.

Today I will share one of our great GuidingYourCareer Academy power tips to help you level up your interviewing skills.

Hello, I am John Self, a former global recruiter, and for more than 10 years I taught the course on interviewing for a global professional association. Most jobs are won or lost at the interview table.

Here are three tasks you should complete before you start the interview process:  Understand your value, organize your thoughts by breaking down the job by categories, and then rehearse.

  1. Understand your value. This is what you will use to answer the ubiquitous first question:  Tell us about yourself. Focus on your values and record of accomplishment.
  2. Break the Job Down Using our free downloadable CORE+CATEGORICAL Interview Preparation Form, break the job down into categories. For example human resources, operations, financial management, marketing, customer satisfaction, etc.

In each category, identify your strengths, weaknesses and include three signature accomplishments. Be prepared to address both your strengths and weaknesses. 

Next, compose five to seven questions you would you ask if you were conducting the interview. Finally, develop answers for any questions you hope to heck they DON’T ask! They probably won’t, but being ready will boost your confidence and make you more self-aware

3. Rehearse.  In addition to your questions from the CORE+CATEGORICAL form, practice answering commonly asked interview questions.  There are dozens of books on this subject.  My favorite is Brad Smart’s  TopGrading, the quintessential how-to book for behavior and values interviews. His son also has a take on this subject.  I have attached Amazon links in this video description. If you would like a free list of commonly asked questions, email us at info@JohnGSelf.Com

LINKS FOR BOOKS “Topgrading” Bradford Smart, PhD

“WHO” by Geffrey Smart.

Now, rehearsal is critical. Most people simply do not interview enough times in three years to be an expert.  Rehearsal will move you up the ladder in the job search and position you ahead of your competitors, most of whom will show up unprepared. Given the incredible odds and all of the computer BOT hurdles you must overcome to get to the interview table, why would you be satisfied just winging it?

In my career, I have interviewed thousands of executives and most failed because they were not prepared for the job interview.  Poor preparation and lack of self-awareness are common problems in the hiring process,  so use this information to differentiate yourself from your competitors. 

If you feel you need additional support, visit the GuidingYourCareer Academy at JohnGSelf.Com and check out our course, Mastering the Art of the Job Interview. Or schedule a MOCK Interview which will afford you a chance to practice your skills and receive feedback on your performance.  JohNGSelf.Com, click the red ribbon on the right side of the home page.